Sunday, October 23, 2011

Michelle Branch Glory

I got to see her. It was one of the best days of my life. It is a close follower after my wedding day and the day I got my gallbladder removed.

I have been crazy about Michelle Branch since high school. Broken Bracelet, Spirit Room, Hotel Paper, all marvelous albums. Everything was going great until she decided to quit her solo gig and become a country duo with a conniving backup singer of hers. This backup singer must have blackmailed or brainwashed Michelle into doing this because not even I, her biggest fan, could understand or even try to like this move. I knew it the moment Michelle announced it. They would be called The Wreckers and it was definite foreshadowing for the results and sadness to come. They had about one mediocre hit, and I would always thumb down The Wreckers songs on Pandora because I couldn’t handle seeing Michelle in such a state. Now, don’t get me wrong. I really like country. Jason Aldean, Brooks and Dunn, Keith Urban. Just not Michelle in country. They were never meant to be together. A year or two ago, Michelle realized what I had known all along. She must have finally read all of those fan letters I wrote begging her to leave that other weird girl behind! She dropped that terrible compadre of hers and ventured back out into solo world, working hard to return to her pop roots. Her new single, Loud Music, can be played over and over in the Cannon house and Steadman (the Cannon Buick) and not a soul will get tired of it. Not a Laken soul, anyhow. That horrid girl (I didn’t even bother to learn her name) has left no trace on Michelle and her comeback will be complete and even more glorious than her successes before.

I eagerly await for her to reveal of the release date of her new CD, West Coast Time. I CAN’T WAIT! I don’t know what I’m more excited for. Davey, my future puppy, West Coast Time or Sweet Tooth Fairy’s debut on Cupcake Wars? It really is a toss up.

Seeing Michelle in concert only made excitement and anticipation for her new stuff all the more real and intense. While we weren’t too close to the stage and she was just the opening act before Goo Goo Dolls (which were fantastic by the way – I love their Let Love In album – incredible!), but I never wanted her to stop. I knew all of the songs she sang, except for the unrecorded ones, and proudly sang all the words while the silly people around me only knew a few words of the chorus to a select few of her giant hits. It was heaven.

Michelle, I love you. Please release your CD soon. If you can’t do that, at least tell me when it is coming so I can make a countdown chain and get even more excited.

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